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- 1 rem problem #23-4 :
- 2 rem typing tutor
- 3 rem solution by john prager
- 4 rem
- 100 for j=0 to rnd(0)*5:read s$:next
- 110 ep=0:l=len(s$):print s$:print:t0=ti
- 120 for j=1 to l:a$=mid$(s$,j,1)
- 130 wait 198,15:get u$:if u$<>a$ then ep=ep+1:goto 130
- 140 print u$;:next:t1=ti
- 150 print:print"errors..."ep:print "time...."t1-t0
- 200 data "alas! thistles bristle in my bustle!"
- 210 data "wafting zephyrs quickly vex jumbo."
- 220 data "humble bumblebees mumble hungrily."
- 230 data "57% of all people invest $2.78 weekly."
- 240 data "for j=0 to 255:poke 53281,j:next j"